In order to pass on your first visit, you'll want to practice the test online using our advanced testing system. We'll walk you through the tests and make sure you are ready!
Our G1 sample tests are broken down so that they are the same as what you will experience at a DriveTest Centre.
Laws are always changing. You want to make sure you are practicing the latest G1 test questions. With free sites, how can you really be sure that the questions are up-to-date? This is our livelihood. We want to make sure you pass on your first attempt!
Our Ontario G1 knowledge test questions and answers were last reviewed on Friday, September 6, 2024
This type of testing drills the G1 answers into your head and helps you learn and remember. This will also help you when it comes to your road test.
There's no point in cycling through all the questions when you only need help with a few questions, right?
We record your test results and how much time you take to write our G1 test online so we can tell you when you're ready to go for your G1 knowledge test.
A small one time fee of only $ 5.99 gives you Unlimited Access to ALL features and benefits.